This course furthers students’ understanding of the processes that occur in biological systems. Students will study theory and conduct investigation...
This course focuses on the processes that occur in biological systems. You will learn concepts and theories as you conduct investigations in the areas...
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of the properties of chemicals and chemical bonds; chemical ...
This course introduces students to computer science. Students will design software independently and as part of a team, using industry-standard progra...
This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; ...
This course introduces the mathematical concept of function by extending students’ experience with linear and quadratic relations. Students will inv...
This course enables students to broaden their understanding of real-world applications of mathematics. Students will analyse data using statistical me...
Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9, Academic, or Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 9, Applied, or a Ministry-approved locally developed Grade 10 Mathematics course
This course enables students to broaden their understanding ofmathematics as it is applied in importantareas of day-to-day living. Students will solve...
This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and dai...
This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and dai...
This course explores key aspects of the social, economic, and political development of the United States from precontact to the present. Students will...
This course explores the history of various societies and civilizations around the world, from earliest times to around 1500 CE. Students will investi...
This course explores issues and challenges facing the Canadian economy as well as the implications of various responses to them. Students will explore...
This course explores Canadian law, with a focus on legal issues that are relevant to the lives of people in Canada. Students will gain an understandin...
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and procedures of accounting. Students will develop financial analysis and decision-maki...
This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the f...
This course focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to promote the positive and healthy nurturing of children, with particular emphasis on the crit...
This course provides students with opportunities to think critically about theories, questions, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and so...